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+962 6 500 2888

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Floor 11, Tower C, Emmar Towers,196 Zahran Street, Amman, JordanAshur International Bank - Al-Mansour Branch, Nisour Square, Al-Mamoun Street, Baghdad, Iraq

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+962 6 500 2888
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Floor 11, Tower C, Emmar Towers,196 Zahran Street, Amman, JordanAshur International Bank - Al-Mansour Branch, Nisour Square, Al-Mamoun Street, Baghdad, Iraq

Let the Pros
Work for You

Whether you are a follower or provider, with ATFX CopyTrade platform you can have a tailor-made trading experience with the best fitting trading portfolio.

What is ATFX CopyTrade?

ATFX Copytrade empowers individuals to observe the trading strategies of their peers and more experienced traders, opening the door to lucrative possibilities. The platform offers a diverse talent pool that allows traders with differing financial backgrounds to exchange competitive strategies by emulating each other. 

Features of Copy Trading

Choose an expert trader to copy their trades when they trade.

Automatic Trading

Copied trades are instantly added to your portfolio.

Select the Best Traders

Copy their trades and maximize your profits.

Time Savings

Manage your portfolio without the need to constantly monitor the markets.

Benefit from Experts

Gain from their knowledge and expertise.

Top Performance Providers

Join Our ATFX CopyTrade Program

Benefits of being a Follower:

  • Earn profitable return in just 2 steps:
  1. Select your preferred professional traders from the list
  2. Copy the trading strategy with a single click
  • Learn how to trade and minimize risk with experienced traders

Benefits of being a Provider:

  • Earn additional income with ATFX​
  • Performance fee is up to 30% of the profit
  • Your reputation thrives with one of the best and most trusted global online broker

Let the successful traders work for you!

Are you new to ATFX?

To join ATFX CopyTrade, you firstly need to be an ATFX client.